Miranda kerr publicly implies that facebook copies snapchat based on some features inputed on facebook that was originally originated from snapchat

Apparently, she cannot stand Facebook because of their “copycat behavior.”
In her words:
“Can they not be innovative?” she said. “Do they have to steal all of my partner’s ideas?” I’m so appalled by that… When you directly copy someone, that’s not innovation.”
No, boo thang it isn’t, but such is life.

I bet more than half of the internet population know about Facebook’s copycat behavior, but that hasn’t stopped them from using the copycat features. As a matter of fact, Instagram Stories already has more than 150 million daily active users, approaching Snapchat’s 158 million.
At the end of the day, all is fair in love and war. 
Anyway, I can’t wait to see what Facebook copies next. I say SnapChat’s Spectacles, theirs would probably be called Instaspecs.
Comeon, Do you want to go without sharing this article? Not fair😔

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