steam audio
Valve is the co-producer of the Vive VR device with HTC. Recently, it has announced the Steam Audio. Through this software, VR content developers can enhance user experience by simulating sound effects in the most realistic way. The kit allows developers to generate binaural audio, which actually simulates how the body feels the sounds. However, it also allow the simulation of physical interaction between the sounds and the environment.

For instance, if you are standing in a corner of a room (in the VR world of course), you will be able to feel the sounds ricocheting off the walls. Normally, these types of sound effects will be pre-recorded, making it sound unnatural in many instances. However, the Steam Audio kit allows physical calculations to simulate sounds in real-time and in the most accurate way possible. You can see the video below for how the software works.

Valve is now offering the Steam Audio software free of charge. It is now compatible to games developed with engine Unity (like Mobius Final Fantasy, Pillar of Eternity, I Am Setsuna, etc.). The version compatible with engine Unreal 4 games (like Gears of War, Batman, Streetfighter, etc.) will be released in the near future. Something to note though, that the decision to use Steam Audio to enhance the sounds of VR games lies solely on the developers. Valve is just offering a solution.

Steam Audio: An interesting tool

From what have been said, Steam Audio is surely an interesting tool, that can surely enhance the experience when playing VR games. Hopefully it will help boost the VR market in the future. Do you own any VR devices?

watch this demo video of the steam audio here 

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